25 inches to one mile maps 1886-8 to 1937
The first nine maps are a composite of two of the 1880s 1st edition maps. The lower part is not reproduced in the sequence of maps lower down the page under "Acocks Green and Olton".
There is no 1937 edition of this map.
Part of the 1880s edition of the map below can be seen at the top of the page.
These images are of the Ordnance Survey 25 inches to one mile maps. They were taken with a compact digital camera. They overlap, so if an area is unclear, the adjacent map may be better. Each image is large, so may take some time to load. The later six inch maps are better quality, but show less detail.
The National Library of Scotland website has 25-inch maps up to the 1930s, and 1:1250 and 1:2500 maps up until 1973. There is also an option to compare Edwardian and current maps of various kinds using a slider. For this use the geo-referenced maps option. This is useful for plotting the exact location of changes.