Creation of the District, 1867


Copy of London Gazette March 1st, 1867


THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 1, 1867, pages 1442-3

At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of Fehruary, 1867.
PRESENT: The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.


WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of the Act of the fifty-ninth year of His Majesty King George the Third, chapter one hundred and thirty-four; of the Act of the second and third years of Her Majesty, chapter forty-nine; and of the Act of the nineteenth and twentieth years of Her Majesty, chapter fifty-five; duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a representation, bearing date the tenth day of January,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, in the words and figures following; that is to say:


"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the fifty-ninth year of His Majesty King George the Third, chapter one hundred and thirty four; of the Act of the second and third years of your Majesty,
chapter forty-nine; and of the Act of the nineteenth and twentieth years of your Majesty, chapter fifty-five; have prepared, and now humbly lay before your Majesty in Council, the following representation as to the assignment of a district chapelry to the consecrated church of Saint Mary the Virgin, situate at Acock's Green, in the parish of Yardley, in the county of Worcester, and in the
diocese of Worcester.


"Whereas it appears to us to be expedient that a district chapelry should be assigned to the said church of Saint Mary the Virgin, situate at Acock's Green aforesaid.


" Now, therefore, with the consent of the Right Reverend Henry, Bishop of the said diocese of Worcester (testified by his having signed and sealed this representation), we humbly represent, that it would, in our opinion, be expedient that all that part of the said parish of Yardley, which is described in the schedule hereunder written, all which part, together with the boundaries thereof, is delineated and set forth on the map or plan hereunto annexed, should be assigned as a district chapelry to the said church of Saint Mary the Virgin, situate at Acock's Green as aforesaid, and that the same should be named 'The District Chapelry of Saint Mary the Virgin, Acock'sGreen.'


"And, with the like consent of the said Henry, Bishop of the said diocese of Worcester (testified as aforesaid), we further represent, that it appears
to us to be expedient that banns of matrimony should be published, and that marriages, baptisms, churchings, and burials should be solemnized or performed at such church, and that the fees to be received in respect of the publication of such banns and of the solemnization or performance of the said offices should be paid and belong to the minister of the same church for the time being.


"We, therefore, humbly pray that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to take the premises into your Royal consideration, and to make such order with respect thereto as to your Majesty, in your Royal wisdom, shall seem meet.


"The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Representation has reference.


"The District Chapelry of Saint Mary the Virgin, Acock's Green, being :-


"All that part of the parish of Yardley, in the county of Worcester, and in the diocese of Worcester, which is bounded on the south-east by the county and parish boundary which divides the said parish from the parish of Bickenhill in the county of Warwick, and in the said diocese of Worcester, on the north-east by an imaginary line commencing on the said county and parish boundary at the point where it crosses the middle of the Birmingham and Warwick Canal; and extending thence north-westward along the middle of the said canal for a distance of nine and a-half furlongs, or thereabouts, to the centre of the
bridge ,which carries over the said canal the road leading from Yardley towards Greet, and on the remaining sides thereof, that is to say, on the north-west and south-west by another imaginary line commencing at the last-described point in the centre of the bridge which carries the road leading from Yardley towards Greet over the canal as aforesaid; and extending thence south-westward along the middle of the said road to a point at the southern end of the bridge which carries such road over the line of the Birmingham and Oxford Junction Railway opposite to the middle of the northern end of the lane which leads from such bridge to Tyseley Farm; and extending thence southward to and along the said lane (crossing the turnpike road leading from Warwick to Birmingham, and passing the house and farm buildings of the said Tyseley Farm) to the southern termination of the same lane; and continuing thence still south-ward along the middle of the fence which divides the close numbered 1151 upor. the map annexed to the award entitled 'The award of William Fowler and William Woodward, the Commissioners for enclosing lands in the parish of Yardley,' and which is deposited with the vicar or incumbent of the same parish, and which said close is similarly numbered upon the map hereunto annexed, from the closes numbered respectively 1164 and 1152 upon the same maps, to a boundary stone inscribed A. G. D. C., 1867, No.1,' and placed at the southern extremity of such fence on the northern side of Spring-lane; and continuing thence first southward to the middle of the last-named lime and then south-eastward along the middle of thc same lane to its junction with Broad-lane; and extending thence southward along the middle of the last-named lane for a distance of one furlong or thereabouts, to a point opposite to the middle of the western end of a certain lane which leads past the Homestead Farm to Acock's Green; and extending thence first east-ward to and along the middle of the last described lane, and then north-westward along the middle of the same lane as far as a point opposite to a boundary stone inscribed' A.G.D.C., 1867, No.2,' and placed on the eastern side of the same lane, at the western end of the fence which divides the house and farm buildings of the said Homestead Farm from the close numbered 1273 on the said maps; and extending thence eastward to the last described boundary stone and along the middle of the said fence, and along the middle of the fences dividing the closes numbered respectively 1277, 1442, and 1144, upon the said maps, from the closes numbered respectivey 1266 and 1443 upon the same maps, to the junction of the fence which divides the close numbered 1444 from the close numbered 1443 as aforesaid, with the western side of the road leading from the Six Ways to Acock's Green; and extending thence, eastward, and in a straight line across the last described road to a boundary stone inscribed ' A.G.D.C. 1867, No.3,' and placed on the said county and parish boundary which divides the said parish of Yardley from the parish of Bickenhill as aforesaid."


And whereas the said representation has been approved by Her Majesty in Council: now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said representation, and to order and direct that the same, and every part thereof, shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette, pursuant to the said Acts; and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of Worcester.

Arthur Helps



Introduction to St. Mary's

The Earl of Egmont and Acocks Green

Creation of the District, 1867

Illuminated address to Revd F.T. Swinburn, 1889

Church history, 1932

St. Mary's Acocks Green: "Out of the ashes...", 1948

Extract from C.J.G. Hudson's booklet on Acocks Green, 1966

Images of St. Mary's church

Images from the 1930s

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