Blakesley Hall area
421 Tile Kiln, Sheds, etc. (owner Henry Greswolde, occupier Charles Hopkins)
Location: across the road from Blakesley Hall barn. Some of this site may be under the road or front gardens. Charles Hopkins is listed in a directory of 1841 as a farmer, maltster, brick and tile maker, at Blakesley Hall.
422 Tile House Field (owner Henry Greswolde, occupier Charles Hopkins)
Location field to south and east of 421.

289 Tile House Piece and 290 Tile House etc. (owner Samuel Gunn, occupier John Riley)
Location: east side of Richmond Road between Yardley Green Road and Blakesley Road (some remains may be in back gardens, near the Blakesley Hall school site). The site was in the grounds of
Wisteria Villa by 1887, Home Lea in 1904. John Riley was listed in a directory of 1841 as a brick and tile maker,
beerseller etc., and in a directory of 1850 as a tile maker and beer retailer. In 1864 this was Mrs Elizabeth Riley, also
listed as such in 1867, but after that she is not listed as a tile maker, but as a beer retailer (1868), and then as a farmer at Newbridge, shown at the left hand side of the maps. In 1880 and
1884 the farmer was John Riley, and in 1888 it was Samuel French.
The brick works shown from 1887 were listed from 1868 as at Newbridge, under Thomas Williams, brick and tile maker, until 1876-7. In 1878 the name was William Clements. It would appear that the original workings were discontinued in order to enable Wisteria Villa to be built, and new ones created a little further south, with the Rileys apparently involved.

311 Tile Kilns, etc. (owner George Minshull, occupier John Minshull)
Location: west side of Clements Road at Flavells Lane.
312 Tile House Piece (owner George Minshull, occupier John Minshull)
Location: field to west and north of 311.
410 Brick Kiln Close (owner Humphrey Pountney, occupier John Yeomans)
Location: south of the buildings at 311, across Flavells Lane, no buildings are shown.