Acocks Green History Society has made available substantial amounts of information on the history of Acocks Green and resources for the study of the history of Yardley. Links to these pages can be found below. 


The society meets at 2.00pm for 2.15pm in the community room at Acocks Green Library on the second Wednesday in the month from September to May. A voluntary donation of £3 per meeting is requested to cover the cost of speakers and use of the room. 


Contact us via email for further information:


To get and idea of why we exist and what we set out to achieve, go to this page. Here we also explain our use of Google Analytics user data to improve our site.


For more high quality information with photographs and maps, have a look at the late Bill Dargue's excellent site


2024-25 programme 

September 11th: Molly Murray - The little black dress, a talk suitable for males and females

October 9th: David and Pam Humphries - Second City executions

November 13th: Mike Byrne  - The Swan and round about, part one

December 11th: Norman Bartlam - Broad Street

January 8th: Mike Byrne  - The Swan and round about, part two

February 12th: Andy Munro - What a curry on!

March 12th: Ray Barrett - Killing me softly (fatal fashion)

April 9th: Peter Bates - The story of Woolworths

May 14th Peter Bates - Guided visit to Warstone Lane and Key Hill cemeteries (numbers limited)


The Secretary is available to give local history talks. Subjects are:


Acocks Green through the camera;

Acocks Green in World War Two;

Acocks Green from the 1940s to the 1970s

The trials of a Trail: how Acocks Green got its Heritage Trail

Misadventure, mayhem, murder and terrorism: tales from St Mary's, Acocks Green

Acocks Green Heritage Trail guided walks (one hour, 15 minutes with a coffee break; or two hours 15 minutes with a coffee break for more of the trail, donations requested)

Hall Green through the camera;

Hall Green - rural idyll;

Hall Green - the making of a suburb;

Hall Green from the 1950s to the 1960s;

The heart of Hall Green (School Road, Fox Hollies Road and Stratford Road triangle, also available as a guided walk of one hour, 15 minutes. Donations requested)

From the Bronze Age to POWs: a guided walk (approx. two hours) around the outskirts of Hall Green. Donations requested)

Triangle of Waters: a guided walk (under two hours) along Cole, Canal and brook in the Yardley wood area. Donations requested)

Moseley Bog through time;

Yardley Village and Blakesley Hall;

Hay Mills through the camera;

The Swan and round about (two talks);

Yardley Wood through the camera;

River, canal and flood in Kings Norton;

History of Lifford (in two parts: Rails, pennies and paper; and Patrick, powder and water);

Twenty miles around the boundaries of Yardley (in two parts: Yardley to Sparkbrook, the northern half; and Sparkbrook to Yardley, the southern half).

Paradise Street, Victoria Square and New Street

The Bull Ring

Fee: £40.00 Negotiable for small groups.

Equipment: Speaker can bring equipment, but it is helpful if the room can be darkened somewhat. Size of audience: 10 - 200.

Availability: Daytime and evenings.

Other information: For North Birmingham the speaker would require additional travelling expenses. 


Please email us at



Acocks Green History Society: contents for Acocks Green


Proposed Conservation Area


Acocks Green Heritage Trail

The heritage of local businesses


Acocks Green (general pages)
A short history

Pioneers of Acocks Green

Acocks Green Today

The identity of Acocks Green

Recommended reading
Victorian Acocks Green

Acocks Green around 1903, by J.V. Tustin

Edwardian Village

Acocks Green village c. 1944, by Brian Wilkinson
Postcards, page one

Postcards, page two

Postcards, page three

Early maps

1886-8 to 1937 25 inches to one mile maps and link to later maps 

1905-1938 6 inches to one mile maps



The Acock family

Records of Acock families

List of locations for the name Acock etc.



Acocks Green Baptist church


Acocks Green Congregational church


Acocks Green Convent School
The Convent
The Larch's story

School photos 1928, 1932, 1939 and 1946

Photographs from the 1920s

Photographs from the 1930s

Joan Hands


Olton Convent School


Acocks Green Fire Station

Acocks Green library history

Early days

After World War Two
Refurbishment 1994-5 and beyond

Acocks Green Methodist church

Section one 

"Methodists as they are term'd"
The first church
The present church to 1927

Section two
The present church from 1927 to 1986
The Memorial Windows
Organists and choir
The Tin Tabernacle
The Junior Church
The Junior Missionary Association

Section three
Uniformed organisations
The Guild/Circle
The Ladies Sewing Meeting
The Women's Cheerful Hour
Recreation Clubs
Roll of Honour

Scanned lists and images

Subscribers to New Church Building Fund 1882
Names in the corridor of the Sunday School building

Church Trusts 1874 to 1976

Acocks Green Olton and Solihull Journal






Acocks Green Recreation Ground


Alders and the Acocks Green Estate


Alexander Road


The archaeology of Acocks Green  


Arden Road

Botteville Road

A bit about Botteville Road

The Watson family in Acocks Green


Broad Road


Built environment of Acocks Green

Introduction to the built environment of Acocks Green

Scheduled ancient monument

Statutorily listed buildings

Locally listed buildings

Other buildings of interest


The Churchill Citizens' Club

Dolphin Lane School 1929-59

Section one
Introduction – Goodbye Green Fields and Country Lanes
Getting Started

Buildings – Meeting the Changing Needs

Section two

The School Staff – Comings and Goings

A Broader Education – Talks, Festivals and Visits

Concerts and Performances – A Chance to Show Off

Section three

Christmas Celebrations

Royal Occasions – Visits and Celebration Holidays

Physical Activities – Athletics, P.T. and Games

Section four

Fund Raising – Helping Others and Supporting Ourselves

Medical Matters – The Doctor, The Dentist and the ‘Nit’ Nurse

Accidents and Misfortunes – Cuts, Bruises and Even Worse

Section five

Transgressions – Naughty, Naughty!!

The Air Raid Shelter Saga – Keeping the Children Safe

Evacuation – From Birmingham to the Countryside and Back


Appendix 1 Birmingham Educational Districts & School Lists

Appendix 2 New Pupils’ Previous Named Schools

Appendix 3 Sketch Map of the Local Roads Housing Dolphin Lane Pupils

Appendix 4 Memories – Dennis Simons

More images


Dudley Park Road


The Ellard family and the old Tuck Shop, Warwick Road


Elmdon Road


Flint Green Road


Fox Hollies

The origins of Fox Hollies

The Walker era

Sale catalogue, Fox Hollies Hall

Housing between the wars

Fox Hollies since the war

Acocks Green Carnival
Fox Hollies Forum

Fox Hollies Special School

The work of Dave Swingle

The work of Elsie Carter

Hall Green Little Theatre

Ninestiles school

Childhood memories of Jean Mercer


Fox Hollies Park


Fox Hollies Road


Greswolde Park Road

Hazelwood Road

The nineteenth century

The early twentieth century

Between the wars


After 1945

The Bradley family

Memories of Eileen Staley née Bradley


Malvern Road

Notable people of Acocks Green 


Olton Boulevard East

Other histories of Acocks Green
Acocks Green, by C.J.G. Hudson, 1966

Acocks Green, by Joseph McKenna c. 1990

Introduction and conditions of use

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Acocks Green and all around, by John Morris Jones, 1973

Section one
Acocks Green and all around 


Bounds of the central Quarters 

First settlement in Yardley  

Tenchlee (Tenchley) 

Travel through Yardley 

Houses and families 

Woods and commons 

Section two


Early church history 


Georgian Yardley

The Warwick and Birmingham Canal


Yardley in 1847

Later churches

Section three


Public transport

Later industry

Urbanisation to 1900

Yardley into Birmingham



Post-war, today and tomorrow


Oxford Road


Private schools in Acocks Green

Railways around Acocks Green


Roberts Road


Rookwood Road

Sacred Heart and Holy Souls church 

St Mary's Church

Introduction to St. Mary's

The Earl of Egmont and Acocks Green

Creation of the District, 1867

Illuminated address to Revd F.T. Swinburn, 1889

Church history, 1932

St. Mary's Acocks Green: "Out of the ashes...", 1948

Extract from C.J.G. Hudson's booklet on Acocks Green, 1966

Images of St. Mary's church

Images from the 1930s

St Mary's Church of England School  

The early years, 1874-1895

The Rose family, 1895-1927

The later years, 1927-1979

Images of St Mary's School

Anne Heywood

Lorraine Hanson, Olympic athlete


Shaftmoor Lane


Sherbourne Road


Shirley Road


Station Road


Stockfield Road


From medieval to Georgian

The rest of the nineteenth century

Transport and housing changes from 1900 until now

Stone Hall

Stone Hall introduction

1884 to 1973

1973 onwards


Summer Road


The Avenue


Victoria Road


Warwick Road

North side of the Warwick Road, Stockfield Road to Station Road 

North side of the Warwick Road, Station Road to Lincoln Road 

South side of the Warwick Road, opposite Stockfield Road to Westley Road 

South side of the Warwick Road, Shirley Road to Olton Boulevard East


The Watson family in Acocks Green


Westley Road


Westley Vale Millennium Green


World War One and Acocks Green

World War Two and Acocks Green

Acocks Green's vulnerability

Air Raid Precautions and civil defence

Air raid shelters 

Anti-aircraft and barrage balloons

Bombing maps


Gas attack

High explosive bombs

Incendiary bombs

Killed and injured

Rover shadow factory at the Vineries

Strafing incidents

Austerity and saving resources

Dig for Victory

Food in wartime


Prisoners of war

Women in wartime

Extracts from the wartime diary of Frank Taylor Lockwood

Memories of a child's life in Tyseley, by Alexander Hook

Memories of Acocks Green school, by Alexander Hook

Memories of Acocks Green, by Arthur Cundall

The end of the war


Yardley Road




Resources on the history of the Manor and Civil Parish of Yardley



Yardley Parish registers 1539 to 1676

1539 to 1580

1581 to 1620

1621 to 1676

The Tithe Map and Apportionment for Yardley 1843/7


Tithe Map

Field numbers in order

Tithe Apportionment

Enclosure Award Map

Principal landowners, occupiers and tenant farmers

Yardley Vicarial Tithes 1821 to 1822

Lists from the 1847 Apportionment 

Maps of Yardley 1886 to 1938

Yardley: Victoria County History of Worcestershire, 1913


Occupation survey, 1841 Census of Yardley

Summary of the 1851 Census of Yardley

Directories of Yardley 1820 to 1896


One thousand years of Yardley souvenir brochure

All around the Ackers

What can be seen from Ackers Hill

The natural landscape


Early settlement and boundaries

Section two 

The Manors

The Warwick canal



Section three


Parks and open spaces

Churches and schools

The Ackers leisure park



The Boundaries of Yardley


Reasons for the study, the origins of Yardley and the Charter of 972

The mapping of Yardley boundaries

Section two 

The boundaries of Yardley in 972

The boundaries of Yardley in 1609

The boundaries of Yardley 1843/7

The boundaries of Yardley in 1911

Section three 

A comparison of the boundaries between 972 and 1962

Section four 

Supplement: the boundaries in 1495

Map: boundaries in 972

Map: boundaries in 1609

Map: part of Beighton's Mapp 1725

Map: boundaries in 1847

Map: boundaries 1911 to 1966

The changing face of Yardley

The meaning of Yardley, and Yardley in the tenth century

The eleventh and twelfth centuries

The thirteenth and fourteenth centuries

The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

The nineteenth and twentieth centuries

The twenty-first century


The Cole Valley South by John Morris Jones (published 1989)


The Coventry Road, Hay Mills

History of the Coventry Road Hay Mills

South side

The River Cole to Kings Road

Kings Road to Redhill Road

Redhill Road to the cinema

Ada Road to Forest Road

North side

The River Cole to Shipway Road

Shipway Road to Deakins Road

Deakins Road to Holder Road 



Happy Valley, Yardley Wood


Hay Hall


The history of the Reynolds Tube Company, by K.H. Sprayson

The Leys of Yardley 

Life expectancy in Yardley 1813 to 1842, and 1857 to 1886

Natural increase in population in Yardley 1539 to 1839


Yardley church wardens 1670 to 1773

Yardley freeholders c. 1775 

Male adults in Church End Quarter, 1798 


Poor Rate levies, Church End Quarter, 1745-1818


Yardley Land Tax Assessment 1787

Yardley Militia list, 1816


Yardley Militia list, 1825


Yardley Militia lists 1816 and 1831, analysis


Yardley rents, 1760


Yardley Tax Roll 1552-3

The Manor of Yardley



Foundation and ownership

Map: descriptive names

Map: geology and roads

Map: early settlement sites

Section two

Ancient roads


Map: communications

Map: Yardley about 1750

Section three


Watermills and windmills

Section four

Ecclesiastical history

Administration and local government

Map: Yardley Parish and Vestry prior to 1894

Map: Yardley village 1847 to 1904

Map: parishes in 1911

Map: Yardley schools in 1911

Sparkhill and Greet


Relief and drainage, geology, and the natural landscape

First footers and Anglo-Saxon settlement

The manor of Yardley, the boundaries of Yardley, and the 'Manor' of Greet

Section two 

Ancient roads, ancient buildings, and watermills

Turnpike roads, bridges, and administration

Section three 

Public transport


Urbanisation, and amenities and services

Churches, schools, and commerce and industry

Section four 

Between the Wars and since, and references


Swanshurst Quarter

Geology, Natural vegetation, and relief and drainage

Early settlement, and Saxon beginnings

Boundaries, Domesday Yardley, and Moats and earthworks

Section two 

Medieval times, and Ancient roads


Old houses, Local government, and Tudor to Georgian times

Families and houses

Georgian times

Section three

Bridges, Watermills, and the Stratford Canal

The Tithe Map

Churches, and Schools

Yardley Rural District

Section four

The City of Birmingham, and Urbanisation

Industry, Between the Wars, and Public transport

Swanshurst Quarter in 1979, and Short bibliography



The transport history of Yardley


A transport history of Yardley, by P.L. Hardy

A history of the Birmingham and Warwick Canal 1792 to 1972, by John Morris Jones

A short survey of railways in the Manor of Yardley, by Anthony John Lambert

Brick and tile making in Yardley


Billesley, Hall Green and Acocks Green

Greet and Tyseley

Hay Mills

South Yardley

Yardley village area

Blakesley Hall area


Kents Moat

Directory listings

The urbanisation of Yardley

Urbanisation of Yardley (introduction)

The natural landscape

Ownership and administration

Yardley in medieval times (map)

Yardley at the end of the eighteenth century (map)

Section two

The early 19th century

The mid-nineteenth century

The Victorian half-century 1850-1900

Section three

The last years of independence

Development 1911-20

Two decades 1919-39

Section four

Yardley since the war

Urbanization maps

Surviving antiquities of Yardley (map, 1981)

The watermills of the Cole valley


Provisional list of Cole valley watermills
Peterbrook, Dobbs, Crab, Kilcop and Forshaw Mills
Colebrook Priory and Old Mills
Trittiford Mill
Broomhall and Lady Mills
Sarehole Mill
Greet Mill
Possible mills in Greet and Tyseley, Medley's Mill
Hay Mills

Wash and Stechford Mills
Babbs, other Sheldon, Kingsford and Coleshill Mills

The waters of Yardley


The river Cole in Yardley, and its fords and bridges

Standing waters (millpools and fishponds) including Moseley Bog

Watercourses of Yardley

Water supply in Yardley

The waters of Yardley: settlement, communications and industry

Yardley Church End

Section one


Geology and natural vegetation

Relief and drainage

The foundation of Yardley


Old names

Old roads

Norman to medieval times

St. Edburgha's church

Section two

Owners of Yardley

Old buildings

Open fields

Tudor and Stuart times

The river Cole

Georgian times

Section three

The nineteenth century

Churches and schools

The twentieth century

Thirty-five years

Principal sources


Images of old Acocks Green

Images of old Hall Green

Images of old Hay Mills

Images of old Sparkhill and Tyseley

Images of old Stechford and Lea Hall

Images of old Yardley

Images of old Yardley Wood